Standard Metagame Snapshot | May 7th
Following Oliver Tiu’s victory in the MagicFest Online Weekly Championship, Jeskai Lukka Fires has established itself as the deck to beat, as we head into the Season 2 Finals. While Bant Ramp and Rakdos Sacrifice remain heavily played decks, Boros Cycling and Temur Adventures have surged in popularity this week, based on their Top 8 appearances in the Weekly Championship and favorable matchups with Lukka Fires. 

Additionally, Jeskai Winota decks have seen an increase in numbers this week, as players seek alternatives to grindy Yorion mirrors. Though the deck had a lackluster performance in the Weekly Championship, Winota creates exciting turns as she spins the wheel and hopefully cheats an Agent of Treachery onto the battlefield.

Traditional Jeskai Fires has experienced a sharp decline in play, as the Yorion decks go over the top of it. If aggro decks are able to reliably beat Lukka Fires and Bant Ramp though, look for Jeskai Fires to rebound with its favorable matchups against Rakdos Sacrifice, Boros Cycling, and Mono-Red Aggro.

Temur Reclamation
also remains a solid choice, as it matches up well with Lukka Fires and Rakdos Sacrifice, but it needs to make changes to improve against the growing number of Boros Cycling decks in the field.

Author: Robert Taylor

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