Neoform (Pioneer) - Deck Guide by Pascal Maynard

Neoform (Pioneer) - Deck Guide by Pascal Maynard

Hi! This is a short post meant to add a bit of knowledge for those interested in our Pioneer Neoform list that Kevin Anctil used to make Top 8 at t...
Neoform (Pioneer) - Deck Guide by Pascal Maynard

Neoform (Pioneer) - Deck Guide by Pascal Maynard

Hi! This is a short post meant to add a bit of knowledge for those interested in our Pioneer Neoform list that Kevin Anctil used to make Top 8 at t...
Pork & Taxes: A Guide to Selesnya Company in Historic

Pork & Taxes: A Guide to Selesnya Company in Historic

The Selesnya Company deck first caught my eye a few weeks ago when Joe Pennachio went 6-0 in an SCG Satellite. The deck is a ton of fun, and I’ve b...